Lifestyle: How To Survive A Music Festival In Style This Summer

Festivals can be places of euphoria, joy and freedom. Where social norms are out the yurt window, wearing glitter is as standard as wearing underwear and a cider and crisps for breakfast is 100 per cent acceptable. For many, they’re places where epiphanies are had, relationships formed (and tested), and lifelong memories made. But they can also be overwhelming. Big crowds, minimal sleep and sore feet. A lack of routine and overindulgence in disinhibitors can empty our mental and physical batteries fast, often resulting in further overindulgence in disinhibitors. Today, we’re more aware of the relationship between self-care and mental health. However, rules tend not to exist at festivals, which can negatively impact our wellbeing. While it may sound obvious, preparation will help ensure you have the best possible experience. And no, that doesn’t mean bed by 10.00pm and no crisps for breakfast – we’re not here to ruin your festival. Preparation is simply to ensure we can all survive the best time of the year, in style.

from Mr Porter - The Journal

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