Lifestyle: 33 Ways To Achieve Success By Being Your Own Biggest Champion

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Hamlet had it right. And countless other voices in history agree with him. The Stoics. Mr Eckhart Tolle. Mr Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. It is common knowledge to those who know that thinking, and, more specifically, the negative stories we tell ourselves every hour of every day are the biggest obstacles to achieving our goals, big and small, and ultimately, happiness. Whether we’re reminding ourselves of something we said at a party seven years ago or convincing ourselves we screwed up at work when no one else noticed, our biggest enemy is a critic of our own creation. And if we spoke to our friends the way we sometimes speak to yourselves, we’d be as unpopular in real life as we think we are in our head. So, how do we start being our own cheerleaders and succeed to our full potential? In lieu of Mr William Shakespeare, we asked some of the best contemporary minds in the worlds of mental health, life coaching and self-help literature to come up with a handy list to refer to when we think we can’t. Because – repeat after us – we absolutely can

from Mr Porter - The Journal

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