Partnership: Town Or Country, There’s No Mistaking Purdey

You can spot some brands from a country mile away. They offer a very particular thing, unmistakeably folded into their name, DNA and ethos, they do it better than anyone else, and they have been doing it consistently, reassuringly, quietly, for some time. If this is exhibited by any brand in particular, it is Purdey, which was founded in 1814 and soon became known as one of the the world’s most renowned country outfitters to the gentry. In 2023, that reputation is undimmed. Exemplary British craftsmanship was its aim over 200 years ago, and so it remains. Purdey provides the necessary attire for the practicalities (and the posturing) of the country, but, as any country gent worth his horse salt must venture into town for an engagement or two, Purdey ensures that their clothing befits such occasions, too.

from Mr Porter - The Journal

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