Lifestyle: How To Co-Parent Nicely – And Why It Is Better For Everyone

I didn’t expect to meet someone who already had a child, but life works in mysterious ways. A few months into our relationship, I had an engagement even more nerve-wracking than our first date – I was meeting his 11-year-old daughter. Armed with an Oreo Ice Cream Sandwich, I knocked on the door. She immediately stepped forward to give me a hug and a bracelet she’d made. My heart melted and later that evening, I was attempting a TikTok dance with her. The next day, it was time to meet the ex over fish-finger sandwiches. Nothing’s perfect, but their closeness as a family, even though they are separated, has reframed what I thought was possible. I’d assumed that separated parents meant icy stepmums (thanks, Disney), wars over holidays and eight-year-olds delivering stern messages to the other parent.

from Mr Porter - The Journal

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