Fashion: The Debate – Is January Really The Right Time To Kondo Your Wardrobe?

New year, new you. We are three weeks in and that phrase is already sounding old. But perhaps it holds true. January is a time for reinvention. It is certainly an opportunity to shed the excesses of the festive season and realign our direction of travel. What we wear plays a big part in the way we think about ourselves, but is this – the bleakest, darkest of times, when finances are at their tightest – really the right moment to chuck out all your clothes and start again? Below are the considered opinions of two members of the MR PORTER team. The first opens up the prospect of renewal and embracing change, especially a change of clothing. The second is a cautionary tale of Januarys past and the regret of over-Kondoing it. This year, just Kondon’t.

from Mr Porter - The Journal

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