Lifestyle: Music Tribes – What Does Your Spotify Wrapped Playlist Say About You?

There are algorithms that know you better than you know yourself. Usually, they operate in the background, harvesting data, only noticed when you get declined for a credit card or inexplicably nudged towards the latest series of Ray Donovan or the exact model of nostril hair trimmer that your dad once mentioned pops up in your Amazon recommendations. But occasionally, one surfaces with information about you that you’d happily share with the world. Spotify’s Wrapped list is just that, a slick marketing gimmick that turns your listening habits into a badge of honour. Launched in 2016, its annual arrival is marked by an avalanche of social media updates, like millions of Wordle scores all posted at once (much to the annoyance of users of other streaming platforms). But what does the music you’ve played this year really say about you as a person? We’ve listened and this is what we’ve learnt.

from Mr Porter - The Journal

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