Fashion: How To Train Your Brain To Only Buy Clothes That You’ll Actually Wear

Shopping is chemical warfare. When I stumbled upon this information as part of my work as a fashion psychologist (yes, that’s a real thing), I finally escaped the toxic relationship I developed with my wardrobe. Every invitation to venture outside my home triggered the same sequence of tragic events. In an attempt to plan my outfit, I’d open my fragile wardrobe doors and be confronted with a sea of shoes and fabric lapping at my feet. And still, after assessing the vast landscape of my collection I always, without fail, uttered those five fateful words “I have nothing to wear”. How could someone with enough clothes to dress every inhabitant of a pre-Covid office building never have anything to wear? As with most things, the answer lies in heading straight to the source. Something was happening during the point of purchase that was leaving me with a wardrobe I had zero interest in and I’m certainly not alone in experiencing this.

from Mr Porter - The Journal

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