Fragrances For All: Unisex Perfumes (Paid Collaboration)

The last few years have seen an increase in unisex fragrances. While perfumes specifically for either men or women are still popular, see for example this selection of women's perfume, products for him and her are worth exploring. 

Often described less elegantly as 'gender-neutral', these are products that move away from the traditional approach that floral is feminine and woody/spicy is masculine. After all, a man can appreciate the smell of a flower just as he can wear a pink shirt without losing his masculinity. 

Gender-neutral or unisex fragrances are here to stay
(Images on left Mareefe and Pixabay)

And why should scents be divided by gender? I had the vague thought that maybe they were engineered for the different body odours of men and women, but have never seen any evidence that this was so and, in any event, we all have different preferences and tastes, whether man or woman. And why not share a perfume?  A couple can complement each other with their scents, rather than going out in a cloud of conflicting fragrances. 

Most fragrance brands sell unisex products, including names as diverse as Creed, Floris, Nishane, Tom Ford, Penhaligon's, Gucci, Maison Margiela and many, many more. The more fresh, crisp, lemony, leafy, grassy scents are ideal as they avoid the more feminine floral or masculine smoky/spicy scents commonly (if inaccurately) associated with either end of the gender spectrum. A favourite of mine is Floris Limes: developed in the nineteenth century, its fresh, limey aroma is balanced by a musky base - ideal for man and woman. Another good choice is the glorious citrussy, green, lavender of Nishane Wulon Cha.

Remember to allow a few minutes for the scent to develop on your skin before you decide whether it suits you or not. The various elements of the fragrance change in this time and it will have a more subtle character after it has matured some minutes after application.

This feature is a paid collaboration with Notino.

from Grey Fox

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