Fashion: The Stylish Literary Legacy Of Mr James Baldwin

Ms Nina Simone, Mr Richard Pryor and Nipsey Hussle all sat on my couch, staring at me. Well, not them, but their faces rendered in living colour on three black T-shirts. Nina wore pearl earrings, a short afro; her eyes saying, “Pick me or don’t, I don’t care.” Richard sported a larger afro, his gaze cast upward, as if in conversation with God. And then there was Nipsey the Great, snapback turned around, mouth half-opened, ready to dispense a gem or two. This was February 2021. I’d become a published author and New York Times bestseller the month prior, but in that moment, I was just a guy trying to select a T-shirt to wear for a virtual event. The kicker here being that whichever shirt I selected was going to be worn under a sweater, so no one, except myself, would even know what it was.

from Mr Porter - The Journal

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